Move like water
open to the currents of life
Every moment in life we have a choice whether to enter life’s waters and float,
or try to swim upstream.
Lao TZu says: The way of the Tao is a watercourse way. Move like water.
How does water move?
It moves towards depth and searches always for the lowest level.
It moves with the currents, not fighting against it.
Its shapeless form enters the cracks to finds its way through,
its way in
its way out
When we engage in the idea of control, ambition, egocentrism, we become un-mutable, rigid like stones, fighting the stream of a river. We fight against the stream of life, and, like stones, our edges will be bent by the flow of water… with time.
Be water
be non-ambitious
be a nonentity
Listen to what life and everything around you is trying to say.
It’s directing you somewhere.
Abandon the idea of control,
be like water,
flow and adapt to the situation and environment
find a way through and not against
get out of your own way