The dawn of awakening

"When the moon is in the Seventh House
And Jupiter aligns with Mars
Then peace will guide the planets
And love will steer the stars
This is the dawning of the Age of Aquarius” 
The current event of the pandemic leads us to think that a planetary shift is occurring and that we have officially entered the Age of Aquarius.

The Age of Pisces (0 to 2000) shaped many belief systems, many of which focused on personal interests and not collective benefits.  The teachings of this era must now forge the path to a new way of life that keeps us connected, not segregated; to create a foundation that can bring us into a new era.
Each of us plays a role in how this transition will happen. From the perspective of consciousness, this can be seen as a quantum leap in which a new consciousness, or idea, that until now seemed far-fetched and up-held only by a limited number of people, is suddenly adopted as 'normal.’

The end of this ‘cosmic battle’ is when we reconcile the YIN and the YANG and bring the necessary energy on a collective level for a NEW RENNAISANCE–  to bring forward the highest Aquarian values:

Humanitarianism, knowledge, reason, innovation and people who work towards a greater goal.
As we are shifting from the Age of Pisces into the Age of Aquarius, we will learn that each individual is important; that every single one of us is born for a reason, and that we all can bring our own contribution to the development of society.

Every single one of us can make the world a better place. 
“Me” is put to the use of “We” – so that we can create something much greater than the sum of our individual efforts.
The Age of Aquarius will come with a completely different “operating system” – something we haven’t yet seen…
At least, not in the last 26.000 years. 
Humanity’s next chapter is currently being written,
right in front of our eyes.
#newparadigm #ageofaquarius #consciousness #mindfulness


Summer Solstice
