Conscious Heart.
A journey to the depths of our soul and the heights of our existence.

You are a spiritual being having a human experience.

Must one choose between

being a Zorba, or a Buddha?

Or does one need to embrace both to reach the absolute balance? Two equally steep and bold paths may lead to the same peak. To reach the summit of a mountain one must travel from the base. To reach the crown chakra one must become one with the soil anchor on the earthly plane.

Whilst Buddha has reached the point of nothingness, emptied himself, to rest naked on the rivers of his soul, ‘OM’, eyes shut, he is linked to the unified field in a state of Samadhi.

Zorba hold his eyes open and looks at each moment as if it’s his last; lives a life of awe, of love, of ecstasy, liberated from the slavery of knowledge, dances to defeat weight and matter and sings to scare the demons within.

Zorba keeps his eyes open and looks….He shouts and laughs. He unifies sexuality and spirituality. ‘OPA’, hands wide open, a dipsomaniac of life and love. Zorba is absolutely needed as the basic energy out of which Buddha will be carved. Buddha is the peak, but the founding stone is laid by Zorba.

Being a conscious heart is to become a Zorba Buddha.

You have the power to change the collective consciousness.

When you and the devine

become ONE

We are connected to everything
Abhinavagupta called it sarvam sarvatmakam
"everything is related to the totality"

Hermes Trismegitus in his corpus hermetic called it ‘The principle of mentalism’ ‘All is Mind, the universe is mental’

Einstein called it 'The theory of everything’ or Unified Field Theory

Who can deny that: Green connects to red on the color wheel as does yellow to purple.

Yin connects to Yang as does the feminine to the masculine. Earth connects to water as an adjacent element birth is connected to death…

Like everything else in the universe, our bodies are a field of information, intelligence, and energy. We are connected, in a sense, to a dimension beyond physical space and time. We are not tied only to the physical plane but have an effect on an energetic and spiritual level, that affects the whole of existence.


You are not a drop in the ocean, You are the ocean

Healing via

Yoga & Meditation

The human brain processes 80,000 thoughts per day, meaning approximately, 3,300 thoughts per hour. We are conscious of only 5 percent of our cognitive activity, meaning 165 out of those 3,300 thoughts.

Your subconscious, mind stores 95% of your experience, your emotional and empirical memory is part of that ocean called the, human mind, and like waves, thoughts come and go and we allow ourselves to feel only some drops…
Not being aware of the ocean and just experiencing the drops is living life in 2 dimensions; living life in patterns by repeating ones experience over and over.

The practice of YOGA and meditation, the practice of stilling of the mind, teaches us to dive deeply into the positive impressions of the subconscious mind – into love, patience, self-respect, and cosmic union. The practice of YOGA and meditation allows the subconscious mind to arise into the frontal lobe (the thinking self),

Allows us to become aware of emotions such as fear, hatred, jealousy, greed, and anger. Allows us to overcome them and stop identifying with such emotions, Allows us to HEAL.


Yoga is the journey of the self, through the self, to the self.


Become whole.

To unite with one’s individual consciousness, or soul is to accept the connection with the unlimited forces beyond your mind, body, and soul. It is to discover a totally new dimension of existence. It is to break the physical and mental limitations to achieve heightened human potential.

The yogic discipline of asanas or kriyas was designed to help Yogi release energy, purify and prepare the body for restful meditation. The ultimate state of the yogic practice, the state of ‘Samadhi’, or else, ‘unification of mind,’ is achieved after a devoted meditative practice that raises divine consciousness, transcends the ego to reach point zero, the big bang of existence—the ultimate state of consciousness.

Yoga is a spiritual practice,
You do not need to be young, flexible, or experienced to practice yoga.


French speaking event

Enlite your dream

La retraite Enlight Your Dream offre un espace pour revenir à l'essentiel : votre essence profonde, votre joie, votre énergie vitale, pour manifester vos rêves et irradier votre lumière. Redécouvrez le potentiel illimité qui sommeille en vous pour vous connecter à votre énergie créative et célébrer la vie, dans l'un des plus beaux décors de la Méditerranée.

Follow our journey.